Camera club awarded £500


Rye’s Community Charity Shop which raises funds for local organisations has just held its latest round of awards and local Member of Parliament Amber Rudd has been handing out the cheques, as the photo (above) shows.

John Wylie, retired professional photographer and photographic lecturer, who set up and runs the Camera 1066 Club, was awarded £500 funding, and last Friday, October 16, he was presented with the cheque by Amber Rudd MP at the Pipemakers Arms.

The award is to cover the club’s costs over the next two years, including two educational trips, two years’ public liability insurance, and the extra costs of hiring the club room on rained off location days.

The Camera 1066 Club has now become established as one of the very few photographic clubs that meet in the daytime. The concept of the group is for the members to learn at their own pace and enjoy photography with a group of like-minded people.

Objectives include:

  • To promote the learning of photographic techniques through self-study and the sharing of knowledge with others.
  • To hold practical meetings whereby, under expert guidance, the controls of the camera are learned and understood, together with using available light and how to compose the image
  • To learn how to download and save images onto a computer.
  • To learn how to use ‘Photoshop’ etc, to manipulate images to improve the quality, to change the size of the image, and to convert the image into an art form.
  • To learn how to print images etc, using various types of paper on a home colour inkjet printer, and finally to save images to a memory stick or CD for commercial printing

The group is a non-inter club competitive organisation. But there is no restriction on members being a member of another club, or taking photographs at our group meetings to be entered into other photographic club events or exhibitions.

The Club meets twice a month, on the first and last Tuesday at the Tilling Green Community Centre, Mason Road, Rye, TN31 7BE, between 1 and 3pm. The first Tuesday is a location shoot, the last Tuesday is a clubroom meeting. For further details contact John on 01797 223034 or visit the club’s website at

Photo: John Wylie

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