Out of sight, out of mind?


Next week sees a string of very high tides (possibly the highest of 2015), and the ever present risk of floods, with boats bobbing around on the Strand. But this week the news for sailors is good as they have won the lottery.

The National Lottery gives if you have a winning ticket, and takes away if you do not, but a lot of that money ends up going to good causes. And the latest recipient is Rye Harbour Sailing Club (RHSC) which has been given £75,000 by Sport England from lottery funding to improve its facilities.

The money is for a shower block with changing rooms and toilets, and Rye News Sports Editor, John Minter, has been at the RHSC this week to join in the cruiser racing.

He went out on the 38 ft long “Helena Anne” and, as you can see above, the spray was flying as the boats raced across Rye Bay. Read his personal account, and see more photos, in our Sports section.

Next week however there will be no waves at the Strand, just a steadily rising tide – forecast to be at its highest Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

When the tide was last at its highest there was ponding on the Winchelsea Road on the bend by the Tillingham Bridge. This blocked both the footpath and the road going out of Rye. And traffic queues built up as the water was too deep for some vehicles and forced most to proceed very slowly.

Rye Town Council meets on Monday and it is likely that both traffic issues and the town’s vulnerability to flooding will feature in debates. The sea may have moved away from Rye, but it is still very important for us in our leisure activities, and for some businesses – while remaining an ever present threat.


Photo : John Minter

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