Candlelit carols at St Mary’s


It was good to be at St Mary’s Church for the annual Carol Service on a damp foggy Sunday night and to focus on what Christmas is really about.

The peaceful atmosphere of the Church at a time when the world is in turmoil is very therapeutic and the lovely “Lights of Love” Christmas tree (pictured above) is a comfort for those who have sad memories at this family time.

This year the other tree, given by the BBC after their “Mapp & Lucia” production in 2014, is not in favour, as far as the Rector is concerned. Canon David Frost, who fell off a ladder while helping to erect it, has struggled manfully with all his extra duties, despite the comfort of Sylvester and white Toblerone.

Traditional carols were sung by the large gathering, led by the ever-faithful St Mary’s Choir, accompanied by Geoffrey Harris (musical director) and the Christmas story was told in the uplifting familiar words read to us by Barry Nealon, Tessa Cleveland, John Lanigan, Anne Wood and the Rector.

The Revd Graham Atfield led the Intercessions, and assisted the Rector in an entertaining interlude which focused on Christmas presents, contrasting responses to receiving them, and how the gift of Christ at Christmas is the same – He is just what we want, even more than we were hoping for, and (as was proved at Easter), far more than we could ever have expected.

Everyone was invited to the Christmas services on Christmas Eve (5pm Crib Service, 11:30pm Midnight Eucharist) and Christmas Day (8am and 10:30am Holy Communion). After the triumphant rendition of the final carol, Hark the Herald Angels Sing! everyone adjourned to the Clare Chapel for further spiritual refreshment in the form of mulled wine, and mince pies.

A Happy Christmas one and all, from St Mary’s Church.

Photo : Kenneth Bird

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