Churches dedicate Scout centre


The new Scout centre was formally dedicated last Sunday, June 28. More than 100 people attended the service, including children from Rye’s cub, beaver, scout, guide and brownie packs. The new headquarters, located in the car park of Rye Sports Centre, comprises a smart brick building with an office, storage facilities, disabled facilities and a large hall. The building has taken 12 years from planning to completion, facilitated by a generous bequest, but the results justify the wait.

Six  groups from the scouting movement use the centre on a weekly basis, reflecting different age groups and genders, but other charitable and educational services can also rent the space. This may prove particularly useful in the future, as and when the Tilling Green community centre closes while it is being rebuilt. Bill Perfitt, who is the Rye scout leader told Rye News that Sunday’s dedication service was so well attended that they ran out of chairs.

Representatives from Churches Together in Rye and District, which represents 28 churches in the area, dedicated the new centre. Pictured above are the Rev Fiona Gill, Canon David Frost and Rev Ian Pruden at the service.

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