Clicketty click, sixty six


The final bingo evening of the year was held by  Tilling Green Residents Association (TGRA) last Thursday, December 8 and, as a special treat, Rye’s Mayor Jonathan Breeds came along and was the special guest caller for the night.

Mayor Jonathan Breeds along with TGRA Chair Dan Lake
Mayor Jonathan Breeds, right, along with TGRA Chair Dan Lake

Regular players were also joined by the Deputy Mayor Michael Boyd, and Councillors Ian Potter and John Breeds along with family and friends.

Prizes ranged from £10 for a line and £25 for a full house with the jackpot in the final game being £50. One lucky lady won at least four times and at the end asked the Mayor to call every month.

As it was the last bingo of the year, and also Christmas, players were encouraged to bring along party food and TGRA supplied the raffle prizes for the evening.

TGRA secretary Donna Lake was welcomed back after having major heart surgery in the summer. The next Tilling Green bingo is on Thursday, January 19 – doors open at 6:45pm with eyes down at 7:30pm.

Photos: John Wylie (1066 Camera Club)

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