Courses at Tilling Green


The partnership’s courses are designed to meet the needs of the rural and urban communities that we serve, with an emphasis on helping members of the community to reach their potential and to follow a lifelong pathway of learning. Courses starting in October are on First Aid and Practical Gardening.

The First Aid course will be held on two days: October 7th and 14th from 9.30am to 3pm. A certificate will be available at the end of this course.

The Practical Gardening course will run on October 20th and 27th and November 3rd, 10th and 17th from 1pm to 3pm. Topics to be covered are: pruning, propagation, vegetable growing, fruit growing, cut flower production, greenhouse gardening, container gardening, organic gardening, wildlife gardening and garden design.

The courses are held at Tilling Green Community Centre. Please note these courses will only run if at least 10 people are enrolled and if we do not meet that criteria the course is likely to be cancelled. Other courses that we will be running throughout the next academic year will be:

  • Basic IT
  • Intermediate IT
  • Employability Skills
  • Conflict Management
  • Admin
  • How to research your Family Tree
  • Face Painting
  • Photography

Your first 10 hour course will be free of charge. After that if you wish to take part in any of our other courses a small charge will be made. For more information on our short courses or to enrol on any of the above please contact Tina Hall by telephone: 01797 229600 or by e-mail:


Tina Hall is the Learning Administrator for the Rye Partnership

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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