Only eight lives left for Bertie

Safely home – albeit a little thinner

Some three weeks ago, Bertie, the bold and magnificent ginger tom cat went missing from his home with Dilys Mayor in East Street. Neighbours were questioned, adjoining premises were searched and posters put up all over town, but to no avail. Then, mirabile dictu (as my Latin teacher was fond of spouting) he was found in an attic close by on Monday July 17, by some workmen at the Herald and Heart shop in the High Street.

There was great rejoicing amongst the human population (at least, in the Citadel). Bertie had survived with no water (unless for an untraced leak in the roof) and no food  (apart from the odd mouse he may have caught). Certainly, he was very thin and shadowed his missus closely for the whole day after his deliverance. Then, proving he had lost none of his feline instinct, he found a very dead and malodorous  mouse in her garden and brought it indoors.

There was less a show of cheer from the elderly Mimi  in the garden adjoining. She had ruled the roost for several days and boldly settled on the museum roof, which was Bertie’s perch of choice. She acknowledged with resignation though that pecking order wins over breeding as she beat a hasty retreat. Welcome home, Bertie!

Photos: Dilys Mayor

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