Forced feeding at charity lunch


Passers-by, tourists as well and locals, were rounded up last Thursday, April 14 and herded into St Mary’s church to raise money for Samara’s Appeal.  The home-made lunch, which included three types of soup, sausage rolls, sandwiches, cheese straws and biscuits and cake, raised £264 for the charity which supports displaced people in Syria and Iraq.

Sylvester Frost, the church cat, samples a home made suasage roll
Sylvester Frost, the church cat, samples a home made sausage roll

The lunch was organised by the “Knitwits” who make beautiful blankets which are sent out to the camps along with clothes and bedding. Two of the group were stationed at key points around the town, at the Ypres castle and at the church door, where they pounced upon unsuspecting visitors and directed them to the church for their lunch.

The Knitwits welcome contributions of wool and knitted or crocheted squares which can be left in the church. This year they are also collecting for sewing kits, which may be of use to make any necessary alterations to the clothes, collections of which are organised by Janet Waddams.


Photos: Seana Lanigan

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  1. Briliant! If only I had had a group of Germans visiting we could all have been kidnapped and force fed! Would have made a change from their cruise ship fare!

    How I love your beautiful church. Charmian


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