Homes for Ukraine


The Rye hub of the Homes for Ukraine scheme has been operating for 12 months and, in addition to help and support, offers a monthly meeting – normally in the Rye Baptist church – to enable networking and problem solving.

Last Saturday there was an added attraction: Easter egg decoration or Pysanky. Several children spent the session working on their wooden eggs and at the end, the Reverend Fiona Gill awarded some prizes.

We also welcomed Dena and Alize from the community garden as some Ukrainians want to grow items with which they are familiar at home, such as gherkin cucumbers and dill.

MP Sally-Ann Hart popped in to catch up with the activities.

There was also a big event in Hastings at the Robertson Street hub to mark its first anniversary. There were lots of Ukrainians present from all around the area, as well as some hosts. Helpfully there were also civil servants from the Home Office and the Department of Levelling Up, who were on hand to handle questions and solve problems. Some delicious Ukrainian food was on offer to all.

During the last year there has been significant individual movement with some guests returning to Ukraine to be with family. However, the long range Russian attacks on infrastructure have not only killed civilians but damaged many homes. This has caused some to return to UK again where they have been welcomed back into the scheme.

Conversations in the hubs invariably turn to the future and the uncertainty. What emerges is that most of our guests do want to return home to be with family and to rebuild their lives. The scheme is resulting in some strong bonds. It is clear that, when some form of normality returns, the friendships between the UK and Ukraine are likely to remain.

Image Credits: Dr Anthony Kimber .

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