Jazz Festival road closures

Temporary closure details

Public safety is always at the top of the agenda when organising the Rye Jazz & Blues Festival and this year is no exception.

The pinch point is where the Kino outdoor stage and the Buttermarket events attract large crowds.  Any vehicle movements at this location would be extremely dangerous and the audience and visitors must be protected. As a result, there will be a period of disruption for some local residents which is regrettable but unfortunately unavoidable as temporary road closures will be in place over the August bank holiday weekend.

East Street and Lion Street will be closed to general traffic from 12pm to 8pm on Saturday, August 24, Sunday, August 25 and Monday, August 26. The exceptions are residents and traffic requiring access to their homes and to the Hope and Anchor Hotel.

Deliveries to businesses in East Street, Market Square, Lion Street and the Hope and Anchor Hotel will have access up until the designated road closure times stated.

Live music events will take place in Market Square over the weekend at the Buttermarket as well as the outdoor stage events at The Kino.

There will be marshals on duty for the road closure management and to advise drivers of alternative routes, the closures will be removed as soon as the events are concluded.

It’s going to be a busy and enjoyable weekend in Rye, top-class entertainment attracts a large following, businesses locally will prosper as a direct result.

Image Credits: Rye News library , Rye Jazz Festival .

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