Martello’s private moorings


Martello Developments recently submitted another planning application with Rother District Council (RDC). Like previous applications this development has a nautical feel, in that it also overlooks the River Brede, and contains a proposed restaurant within its plans.

Called Sandrock Marine on Rock Channel, the mixed use development will span two plots along the river. One site will contain a restaurant with around 100 seats (split between indoor and outdoor seating, and includes an outdoor barbecue area) and the other site will consolidate commercial, office and boatyard uses in a new purpose built facility.

Martello are proposing to develop two sites along Rock Channel

The application includes a change of use application for the current clubhouse on the site, which will be rebuilt and turned into a restaurant. A number of the existing buildings will be replaced with new two-storey commercial buildings and the application includes details on how the two current boat yards will be landscaped, including a WC and shower block that is separate from the main restaurant.

The Martello scheme includes provision for 27 parking spaces to cover all the proposed activities on the two sites: restaurant, office and warehousing.

The scheme, designed by local architects RX Architects, may come up with the same problems as a previous restaurant scheme proposed by Holland of Rye on the corner of Rock Channel (East) and South Undercliff.

That development was withdrawn following negative responses from both Highways England and East Sussex Highways. Both highways authority objected to the Holland development on the grounds of poor pedestrian and vehicle access and insufficient parking provision.

ESCC said at the time: “Pedestrian access as a result of this proposal is likely to increase in terms of demand. All routes other than Rock Channel route southwards or the narrow footway along the A259T encounters steep gradients and so access for non-able bodied would be challenging from this site.”

The access down from the town centre via the steep steps at the Ypres Tower and the problems of crossing the busy A259 at a sharp bend may be raised as an issue by the local authorities.

The limited number of parking spaces is also likely to be an issue though the application points out that: “The site can also be alternatively accessed via boats from the River Brede during high tide hours with private mourings [sic] along the entire frontage.”

The application, and the detailed plans, can be found here.

Image Credits: Kevin McCarthy , Rother District Council planning application .

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  1. Interesting to see martello developments wish to now build a restaurant on the east side of rock channel,when are they going to finish the developments they already have permission for,including the other one on the west side, how many more restaurants can Rye cater for,especially the limited parking,and the ever present access issues, we are all waiting for them to clear the grist mill site,and rebuild, and lets not forget the riverside walk that was promised, some say they are running before they can walk, and im inclined to agree.


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