Military Road parking proposals


Many residents along Military Road and North Salts received a letter recently from the parking services department of East Sussex County Council (ESCC) explaining that they are responding to requests for parking restrictions to be imposed. With the letter there was a map showing a new proposed parking zone. This can be viewed online at and you can also see it locally at Rye Library.

The consultation process opened on 22 July and closes on 12 August so if you have any views you wish to put forward you haven’t long to make contact via

In a nutshell, the proposal is that Zone C, which covers Military Road and North Salts will be divided into areas where parking restrictions will vary but will include

  • No waiting at any time
  • Pay and display, Monday to Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Permit holders only
  • Permit holders or pay and display, Monday to Saturday 8am-6pm, Maximum stay 4 hours
  • Proposed no waiting at any time (double yellow lines)

The proposed pay and display parking charges range from 5p for up to 5 minutes to £1.60 for up to 4 hours.

The new proposed restrictions are in response to numerous complaints received by ESCC about the amount of cars gravitating to Military Road and North Salts who either choose not to pay to park in the town car parks or who are unable to find parking elsewhere. This in turn has caused congestion and other problems regarding access for local residents and something needs to change before there is a serious incident.

Not all affected by these proposals are purely local residents, the proposals if implemented could have an adverse effect on the Globe Inn Marsh, a very popular destination for locals and visitors alike. It is privately owned and like many other pubs and restaurants across the UK has suffered huge losses following the Covid pandemic and lockdowns. Unlike major chains who can sustain losses to a greater degree, privately owned establishments and  landlords are often more financially exposed.

John Rogers is the owner of the Globe Inn Marsh and he is very concerned about how these new parking restrictions will impact on his business. So much so that not only has he written to his MP Sally-Ann Hart about his concerns, he has also written to Rye Town Council, residents of Military Road, Rother District Council and East Sussex County Council. He also wrote to us, Rye News and with his permission I have reproduced his letter to us all, giving his views and another local perspective which you can see below.

Parking Services County Hall
St Ann’s Crescent
East Sussex

For the attention of Mr Daniel Clarke Team Manager Parking

Proposed change to parking restrictions your reference 2022/PR362

Dear Mr Clarke

I am both the owner and operator of the Globe public house, 10 Military Road, Rye, East Sussex.

We have this weekend been confronted by local Residences concerned by the consequences of your proposals for both the future of the Globe and of course the wellbeing of our employees.

To date we have received no correspondence regarding this matter. My team are left to look uninformed and foolish as I am and to be quite honest, I find your actions hugely disappointing, particularly as we are the most likely if not the only business to be affected by your proposal.

Now that I have a copy of your letter provided by a Resident to whom you have written I can see that you have committed to writing to alI Residents and to Business’s alike. We look forward to hearing from you. Having now been made aware of your letter of the 15th July I am responding with my comments as follows


I acquired the freehold interest in the Globe Inn in 2014. The property was closed and in a dilapidated state, having previously traded as a restaurant and before that a failing public house. The property was boarded up and of uncertain future.

Substantial investment was necessary to return the Globe to good order with a new operating style, and identity, new people and a bias towards fresh food and drink, locally sourced and served by local people.

No extensions have been undertaken with the exception of a toilet for those of our guests with additional needs, but there has been some internal reorganisation in order to cater for diners as well as those who choose to drink (now a minority though very welcome). This interpretation of The Globe became an immediate success from reopening in 2014 and as a result led to more parking in Military Road which I believe to have been perfectly manageable until “ Pay and Display” parking was introduced throughout the town centre-the effect of which was to encourage more parking in Military Road by those seeking to avoid charges. I have photographic record of the street fully parked by 9am possibly by those working in Rye all day, every day, by those catching a train and, in some cases for weeks on end perhaps associated with second homes or holiday lets.

In summary I have done nothing at the Globe to increase the demand for parking, in fact to the contrary we have simply introduced an offer that appeals to a wider and more modern market. It should also not be forgotten that at the time of my purchase in 2014 the Globe had a garden three times larger than that, that currently exists, and which might have accommodated a further 80 covers making the parking issue so much worse.! Two houses have since been built in what once was the Globe Garden reducing the need for parking and our business footprint is considerably smaller than that which previously existed.

Though we are keen to continue with our modern public house values we are now a food led business with 65 to 70 percent of our sales associated with casual dining and from East Sussex county guidelines dining (restaurant) use requires one parking space for each 5 meter square of floor area where as a public house requires one space for every 2.5 metre squared of floor area and though we have no carpark what so ever we would argue that we have considerably reduced the need for parking as a result of the manner in which we choose to operate. A move away from food in favour of drink as a more traditional pub would make the parking problem much worse.

The Globe is therefore I suggest the least harmful delivery of a well-run modern public house in this location.

Your Proposals


1.I am disappointed that the location of the Globe is not identified on your drawing RR22MN002 as I believe we are the primary business in Military Road and the implications for parking could be better understood if the parking restrictions around the Globe were clear please consider this amendment to your map.

2. You are proposing “Pay & Display” Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm in that section of Military Road immediately opposite the Globe. There are 25 dwellings in this section of road some of which have more than one car (and perhaps some do not) and if each car requires a space of 7.2 metres, then there would be no residue parking for Globe guests any evening or on a Saturday, further more like many public house Saturday is our busiest day and when the demand for parking is at its peak for us most, if not all, will be occupied by residents

3.You propose to prohibit parking entirely across the frontage of the Globe and continuously along Military Road to a point beyond the Tennis Club such prohibition will seriously limit the performance of the Globe as there is no alternative parking within sensible walking distance.

4.With regard to dedicated facilities for the Globe what provision are you proposing for

(a)the setting down of our less mobile guests including those with wheelchair’s prams and pushchairs, (b) deliveries, (c ) waste collection etc (d) the parking provision marked with the blue broken line on Military Road, your drawing RR22MN022 refers, states “permit holders only’ 8am-6pm-does that means parking is unrestricted after 6pm daily and all-day Sundays. (e)A small point perhaps but in this very pretty Conservation area do we really have to have double yellow line across the frontage of these historic buildings, should your proposal be approved. (f)During peak trading periods, primarily breakfast through to close at weekends and holiday time we have 12 members of kitchen and FOH team at work at any one time, all with 8-hour (or more) shift durations.

Many travel to work by car and your proposal will prevent their parking anywhere near there place of employment- it is not an option to park somewhere else there is nowhere else, furthermore no public transport, particularly late at night. If they are unable to park in or close by to Military Road yet further unaffordable cost will be incurred by the Globe as we seek to find alternative solutions. Walking to work for most is simply not a option there are insufficient job seekers in Rye most travel up to 20miles.

5.I note that North Salts Parking is to be entirely by resident Parking Permit. Were these houses not all built each with parking/ garage provision and are they therefore each now to be favoured with parking for two vehicles or more please advise? The same information is required for Military Road and Crescent please advise.

6.Please confirm whether your Parking Permit for North Salts can be distinguished from those issued to the Residents of Military Road.


We like to believe that our popularity is almost entirely due to our 3 most important values and the patronage of the people of Rye and visitors from further afield.

These values are

We are nice, attentive people offering an enjoyable experience with a friendly smile +good service. That we source, prepare, cook, serve, and pour great food and drink locally sourced. That we are a nice place to visit.

We are of course interested in where our guests come from and why choose us, we track activity on our website each month and during the month of July we were very popular with London folk (a very big conurbation of course) followed by Hastings, Rye, Ashford, and Loughton, so we do believe we add just a little to the amenities of Rye as a contribution to the many other attractions of the town.

Unlike larger groups and pub companies we have no “central distribution “and that allows us to invest locally with people we consider to be our partners in success and from whom we buy high quality produce, we cook fresh and do not freeze.

During the last year, we spent. – Local Butcher…£85,000, Local greengrocer…£65,000, Local fishmonger…£78,000, Local brewer…£31,000, Local baker £3,000

By working with our local partners, we can ensure that meat, fruit, vegetables, fish, beer and baking travels very small distances from field, and sea to plate, helping with our sustainability credentials.

In addition to our support of these wonderful food and drink’s partners we also call upon local contractors for plumbing, heating, refrigeration, and other specialist support.

Furthermore, in line with our sustainability principals and our pursuit of comfort and the quality of cooking we burn locally coppiced managed timber sources at an annual cost from our Woodsman of around £10,000


Our gross wage cost for the last year are in excess of £650,000 much of which returns back into the local economy as a result of spending by our local employees. There are currently 30 persons employed at the Globe 17 of which are fulltime. Our wage cost will be considerably higher this year as will our purchases as a result of rising supply cost delivery and disproportionately higher energy costs.


At a time when we are trying very hard to recover our losses and personal difficulties, following the dreadful Covid pandemic we simply cannot bear further cost or declining sales as a result of restricted parking in Military Road, most importantly for our guests, but also for our employees.

Unlike bigger companies we do not have resources to sustain losses over anything but a very short period particularly as a result of permanent Parking restrictions and decisions will need to be made quickly following any implementation should the impact be damaging.

We have suffered the consequences of rising cost this year in excess of 25 percent to date, and still rising, in respect of energy, food, drink, and wages and, I am afraid if the effect of your parking restrictions were to reduce our sales by as little as 10 percent, then the likelihood is the Globe would not survive under our ownership. These are the facts. The local community need to decide whether the Globe is a valued Rye amenity both for local enjoyment tourism and the economic benefit it brings. Failing that, an alternative use less dependent on the motor car for this beautiful old building that has sat proudly overlooking the terraces of Military Road as a Public House for almost 200 years will need to be found.

We too “are” residents though your proposed solution for parking seems entirely in favour of “dwellers” as ownership of motorcars continues to grow at the expense of a more balanced view of modern life.

We wait to hear of our salvation.

Yours sincerely

John Rogers

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. One must feel sorry for the Landlord of the Globe, if parking restrictions are implemented in military road, but something has to be done as the gridlock along there has become dangerous, just like other public houses and hotels that have no parking,motorists drop their passengers off,and then find the nearest adjacent car park,and there are plenty in Rye.

  2. Maybe the garden shouldn’t have been sold off for housing, then the Globe would have used it as a dedicated car park….

  3. I fully support the parking proposals for Military Road and North Salts. As with all public consultations everyone will have the opportunity to share views and I’m sure it will all get resolved – However we do need urgent action now and some sort of parking control here in both Military Road and North Salts. The recently introduced parking control with-in the town centre of Rye works very well (albeit the problem has now migrated to Military Road and North Salts) in fact business within the High Street has improved because of the parking control. What Mr. Rogers fails to point out is that his staff and customers do have the option to use the local car parks; there are several all within easy walking distance of the Globe. I have also witnessed the Globe staff and customers parking within North Salts straddled across the pavement making it difficult for pedestrian access and restricting road access – we even had to go to Globe and request staff move the car!

  4. Having lived in London with these parking restrictions it is a road to complications, cost and few/no visitors. Residents along with The Globe will all pay the price. It sets residents against businesses and everyone will suffer.

    • I very much doubt that any on street parking schemes in London are available at £1.60 for 4 hours with the option of paying pro-rata for 5,7,10,15,30 mins and 1,2,3,4 hours.
      The scheme implemented in the town centre has benefitted businesses – they have told me!

  5. I use The Globe often, but I would have no objection to paying £1.60 to park outside for 4 hours. After all, that sum wouldn’t even cover a soft drink on the premises. Many visitors staying at hotels in the historic part of Rye eat at The Globe and walk there. There’s a half empty car park on Fishmarket Road about a 2 minute walk away. I also eat at The Union, The Fig and The George. They don’t have parking right outside their premises but there are car parks a few minutes walk away. Maybe I am mistaken but Rye seems to be pretty well served with car parks, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one jam-packed with cars driving around in circles waiting for an empty space. Something has to be done to stop car owners taking advantage and parking where they please. Here’s an idea: why doesn’t The Globe offer to pay for diners parking for the 4 hours if the price really is going to be £1.60? As a business owner I’d rather spend £1.60 than lose 2 to 4 people dining per table. It’s also good marketing, and it doesn’t have to cut into profits. It’s not hard to add 50p or a £1 to various dishes.

  6. I’m fortunate or not depending on your view to live in Rye so if I want to go to the Globe I would walk obviously, to get there I would walk past two or three car parks depending on the route, so why can’t anyone who has to drive there park in a car park and walk, as already stated the cost of parking would probably be about the same as a soft drink or a big of crisps.
    As for the pub paying the parking charge, are they that desperate for trade?
    I doubt it.

  7. The big issue is that parking has definitely increased since the parking meters were installed in town! Although I do agree with some of the proposals as military is becoming a car park and can be awkward at times to manoeuvre through I do feel that the public car parks in town should be publicised more! A friend of mine came down today who knows Rye pretty well and certainly wasn’t aware of some of the car parks on offer! Also perhaps it’s time for a Park and Ride to be considered? Sundays seem to be one of the busiest days and yet am I right in thinking it is more free for all on that day? I totally sympathise with The Globe and want it to continue and hopefully a compromise can be reached as residents need to park and visitors need to be encouraged for the sake of our lovely Town!

  8. What is so special about Military Road / North Salts residents that they will be offered residents parking?! Other Rye residents who live on other streets in the town don’t get residents parking permits (save the posh folk of Watchbell Street). Make it pay and display for everybody. The residents of Military Road and North Salts can then either pay like all the rest of us to park outside their abode or find a designated car park.

  9. We should build a wall. Yes, a wall, that way no one comes in / no one leaves. no need for cars, bicycles, or wheelchairs. If it has one of those modern inventions called the “wheel”, ban it ( including wheelie bins)!
    Rye is for the people of Rye only!!

  10. As a car user myself, and living in London where many roads have become Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, I nevertheless am very much in favour of parking restrictions.
    I use the globe every time I visit Rye,
    Which is often as I have a house nearby, and park in a carpark a few minutes walk away.( Even a friend who has mobility difficulties did not find it too far. ) The cost it’s not prohibitive.
    I just can’t see the problem. The Globe could add nearby carparks to its publicity.
    We all need to walk more, both for our health and for the planet!

  11. These parking proposals are long overdue. It is about time ESCC supported the residents. I fully support the proposed changes and hope they go ahead. Military Road is used as a main artery by many who drive into and through Rye, and therefore should not be allowed to be so congested. Especially considering Rye is awash with car parks for visitors.

  12. As a north salts resident it is sad to read the letter above, it looks like that a commercial decision was made to prioritise more seats at the cost of the previous parking at the pub, also land was made made available for purchase at the time, and once again a commercial decision was made not to purchase for the benefit of the customer who visited the Pub. I also noticed that it as mention a “dilapidated building”, I do remember not long ago that the globe was completely rebuilt after a devastating fire. I have also noticed that in the latest building application to Rother the proposal is to remove the last dedicated parking and replace with an additional structure once again to increase client capacity. I do believe that we all should support all the local business without exception not be influenced by the short term view or commercial personal interest and take in consideration all the more than 150 families that live in in north salts and military roads and their need that in most case is not commercial but personal.

  13. I just reviewed the application online of the globe and it looks like they are doubling the size of the pub, Practically building the full size of the plot by removing the multiple car parking spaces on the side, Which I do not have an objection to it, however, to publish a letter complaint on the lack of parking space is truly unbelievable and selfish and not in a line with the Community spirit but more in line with a commercial venture.

  14. Reading between the lines if I remember correctly a few years back the chimneys were removed from the globe without planning ! So let’s hope it gets a little brighter for the people who live that neck of the woods in Rye

  15. While commercial ventures should be encouraged to establish themselves and thrive, this should not be to the detriment of the residents lives. There are some 250+ residents who live in Military Road and North Salts, all contributing to the local economy, all contributing to making it the safe friendly community it is. We should remember, it is the residents who make an area a nice place to live and visit, and their long term needs should always come before the short term goals of any commercial venture.
    As for The Globe specifically, if the subject of parking was of such key importance to their ability to operate profitably, why has the owner repurposed the parking area to side to increase seating capacity? Furthermore, why was the pub garden used to build 2 houses when it could have been used to create further dedicated parking? The reality is The Globe is in the luxurious position of being served by a number of car parks all within easy walking distance.
    Regarding the parking in Military Road & North Salts, I frequently witness cars parked across dropped curbs restricting access for the disabled. It is not unusual to see motorists using Military Road in a “Mexican standoff” with each other, unable to freely proceed in either direction due to the shear number of parked vehicles. Clearly this is unacceptable on a number of levels, none more so than access for emergency services and it needs to be dealt with. I fully support the parking proposals and hope ESCC support the residents.

    • Totally agree with everything you have outlined ,l live in military rd near one of the junctions you wouldn’t believe some of the near accidents rows and the struggle the tractors have trying to get through.The landlord tells his staff to park further down the road to leave parking for his customers.
      My daughter stayed in a B&Bin rye and was told to park in military rd as it was free.

      • The traffic and parking situation in Military road is now untenable. The lack of resident parking is causing complete chaos at weekends for residents who have to park elsewhere. The Globe has extended their seating capacity to where limited parking once was, expecting customers to now park in residents areas obstructing dropped curbs and causing congestion. 7day Permit parking is a must and needs to be sorted now. Traffic slowing is also required as speeding cars is also an issue with young kids who live in the area

  16. I live on Military Road. This weekend has been a nightmare. Cars parked everywhere. I enjoy seeing Rye busy but something has to be done on. It’s dangerous

    Military Road needs parking restrictions. Soon.

  17. This weekends festival has been terrific for the town, but the traffic congestion has been horrendous, surely a park and ride scheme,needs to be implemented, we have the community buses,and there are plenty of fields,surrounding the town.

  18. Upon reading through all this, my first thought was to suggest that the Globe post a map on its website, showing the car parks available in the town and the approximate walking times. However, it doesn’t seem to have its own, discrete site. That’s a pity as not everyone uses Facebook, etc. Nevertheless, my suggestion still stands!

    • Parking in town is a problem – put in meters and move the parking to Military Road.

      Parking by the Globe in Military Road is a problem – paint on double yellow lines and move problem further down Military Road.

  19. One concern that I have about these new parking restrictions on Military Road is that plans for double-yellow lines stop just after the entrance to the Rye Lawn Tennis Club, which means that people seeking free parking will simply move along until they find a spot. It doesn’t solve the problem, merely pushes it further away from the centre of town—out of sight, out of mind?

    If the planners are serious about improving the traffic/parking situation along Military Road, then there should be double-yellow lines all the way to the parish boundary, otherwise it’s going to be chaos with tractors, lorries, and coaches trying to negotiate what will effectively become a half-mile of curving, single-lane road with no passing places.


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