Mothers’ Union celebrate founder


Mothers’ Union (MU) members and friends from all over the Bexhill District (which includes Eastbourne, Hastings, Battle and Rye) gathered at St Mary’s for the annual commemoration of their founder, Mary Sumner, on Monday August 10. In recent years this has been held in Bexhill, but Chris Emson from Rye, who is the MU’s Diocesan President, asked if it could be held in Rye on this occasion.

Cecilie Prebble led the procession of fourteen banners (pictured above) and Canon David Frost spoke about the life and inspiration of Mary, who founded the MU in the 1880s. Her plan was quite radical in its day as it involved calling on women of all social classes to support one another and see motherhood as a profession as important as those of men, if not more so.

The offertory was in aid of MU projects such as the Contact Centre, prison-work and holiday projects. A picnic lunch in the Clare Chapel was a great opportunity for fellowship and, following this, several intrepid guests climbed the Church Tower while others admired Sylvester, the church cat, busy selling his fridge-magnets in the church shop.

The Rye Branch of the Mothers’ Union meets on the second Monday of each month. The next meeting, on Monday September 14 at 7pm will be the Corporate Communion Service at Holy Spirit Church in Rye Harbour. Details of other meetings can be found in St Mary’s magazine, The Pendulum,  or directly from Chris Emson (01797 224174).

Photo: Sandra Lanigan

Sandra Lanigan

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