New women’s group launches


A new group for women, the Hastings & Rye Conservative Women’s Association, is being launched on Thursday February 23. Its purpose is to create a forum for women to discuss and find ways to get more involved in business and volunteering work in the community and become more active in local politics.

Gillian Keegan, Director of Women2Win will be coming to what will be an informal gathering. Organiser Sally Ann Hart has been a local magistrate for more than 10 years and a district councillor for 18 months.

“For the past couple of years,” she says, “I have felt that we need to provide more support for women locally, both in business, volunteering and politically. Last year, Hastings & Rye Conservative Association launched their Business Forum, essentially to provide a forum for discussion and networking for all businesses, small traders etc in Hastings and Rye. This also incorporates the Women’s Business Forum, yet to really get off the ground. The Hastings & Rye CWO will provide the basis from which this women’s business forum can grow.”

She continued: “I come across so many amazing women who either lack confidence or do not know where to start when it comes to setting up or expanding businesses, or who want to do more for their local communities, through volunteering or local politics. There is a need for a medium where women can get together and have the support to do this. The idea of the CWO is to empower women  – of all political persuasions – to become involved.

“We will also be putting on social events, such as supper or lunch clubs, to encourage women to engage with Government policy through the Conservative Policy Forum. Ideas can be discussed which would provide women with a means to influence policy without needing to be at the forefront of politics. We are also keen to hear about what women want.”

The initial meeting will be held at The Crown Inn on Ferry Road at 6:30pm. All are welcome. For further information email: or call 07988 692000. (Source: Sally Ann Hart)

Photo: Rye News library

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  1. Good luck with the launch Sally – Ann this is an exciting prospect for everyone who gets involved – John Rankin, Chair, Hastings & Rye, Conservative Business Forum


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