A glass half empty


Sipping a pint in a pub garden overlooking Rye’s marketplace last week felt unreal after so many months, and a return to “normality” still seems a long way off, as Covid initially travelled to this country and has apparently travelled from India this week in a diplomatic delegation; and removing restrictions on travel from, or to, all or any part of the rest of the world at present seems risky at very least – and uncertainty still seems to be the name of the game in very many ways.

We are still surrounded by possible risks in this country in any crowded place, like the market, which is why government advice continues to be “keep your distance” and, if you cannot, wear a mask – the government is allowing a few “trial events” in order to research the current risks as the number of vaccinations continues to rise – though a third jab now apparently seems a possibility in the autumn.

And locally we’ve been voting in elections for county councillors, a district councillor, and the police and crime commissioner. But did we vote in person yesterday, Thursday – or by post – because we were worried about being infected? Or simply not vote?

The need still for distancing means election counts this week may take some time – with some apparently not being complete until Monday. Locally though you can use the links  in the preceding paragraph to get the results when they are published.

Keeping your distance

Uncertainty also exists still in day to day activities. Schools and colleges, for example, are bending over backwards to enforce distancing inside their buildings – but what happens when you see children/teenagers out on the streets? Similarly, non-essential shopping is now possible, but in a busy, crowded market, like Rye’s on Thursday, distancing is not always practical or possible, but the number of those wearing masks varies – and perhaps those who are worried should simply not go there?

Because of such worries, Rye’s August jazz festival is moving to Bexhill’s beach where concerts may be safer, and other government milestones still have to be reached this month and next before we are back to normal. But what will be the new normal? And Rye’s town council does not seem to be certain when it will be!

Another jab every year? Or just this autumn? 

I was born with severe asthma so every year I have my flu jab, which is a new version  every year, and which I imagine may date back to the Spanish flu pandemic at the end of the first world war which killed millions.

And near where I lived in London there was a Plague Hospital which used for centuries to house sailors from the docks believed to have the plague, which returned in many forms over many years, so Covid and its variants around the world could be with us for some time, and a Covid jab every year might be necessary – like the flu jab?

But, while last weekend’s weather may have put off some from heading for the beach, visitors are re-appearing in towns and villages as lockdown weakens – which pleases some, and worries others. So I’m uncertain whether my pint glass is half full or half empty but I’ll have another one please – as summer surely must arrive soon, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Image Credits: Rye Museum .

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