Passing with flying colours


Knowing that Dave Needham, RNLI assessor trainer for the south east, was coming to RNLI Rye Harbour on Monday, October 23 crew members prepared thoroughly for their assessments. Luke Bishop masterminded the day which started just after lunch and went on well into late evening. The commitment to training is exceedingly high at the station with everyone helping others to progress to the next level.

Both James Turner and Mark Stephenson are now fully qualified launch authorities which will strengthen the crew and give more flexibility to the duty rota.

Tim Brown steps ever nearer the completion of his helm plan and passed three major modules. Emma Stonham went out on the boat and passed her towing module. Charlie Stout, one of our younger members of the crew, passed his E Nav module.

Huge congratulations to all those who were assessed and did so well, and a big thank you to all the crew on the shore who made this possible. It is, as always, a team effort and Rye Harbour knows how to pull together.

Dave Needham said: “Visiting RNLI Rye Harbour is always a highlight for me as the crew are really keen and enthusiastic and want to achieve so much. There was evidence of detailed and committed learning having taken place before my arrival, making assessing so much easier and rewarding.”

Paul Bolton, LOM at the station, told the crew that he was extremely proud of their continuing achievements.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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