Pirate plants weeded out


The newly installed garden by the rail station, opened on April 24 and dedicated to John Ryan, former local resident and creator of the Captain Pugwash” childrens’ books, was looking decidedly unkempt after the weeds sprang up and vandals tore out one of the ornamental trees, writes Kenneth Bird. Now, thanks to the efforts of local volunteers, Keith and Kathy Buckland, the weeds that threatened to swamp everything have been quickly cleared. As gardeners know well, the use of unsterilized soil in setting out beds will inevitably result in germination and growth of dormant seeds, “but it’s now looking good again and very soon, the periwinkle will take over and provide excellent ground cover”, said Keith Buckland. “We found the ornamental cherry tree torn out by its roots and dragged some distance away. Although we replanted it, we feared it would not survive its ordeal and would need to be replaced. However, it’s hanging on in there, so I may have spoken too soon.” The Bucklands are members of the Community Rail Partnership team that took responsibility for bringing into public use this previously unsightly area of ground.

photos: Kenneth Bird

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