Recycling chaos


Since the recycling centre in Jempson’s car park has been removed, the remaining centre on Gibbet Marsh has now become the only facility in Rye. This, coupled with the fact that Rother District Council’s (RDC) contractor is unable to meet its contractual obligations, so I understand, has meant the centre has become an unsightly tip.

Apparently RDC is not able to find another site to replace the one in Jempson’s car park at present.

Response from RDC:

“Thank you for your enquiry. The Council is looking at alternative options with regard to providing recycling facilities in Rye. However, as you will appreciate, space in Rye is very limited and to find a site which is large enough to accommodate containers and allow access for the servicing vehicles is not an easy matter, but we will continue to search for alternatives.

The emptying of the bins is undertaken by our waste collection/recycling contractor and the overspill has been drawn to his attention. We understand that a third party contractor is involved and our contractor has been applying pressure to that contractor to ensure collections are carried out at a level which reflects the use of a site.” (19/04/2016)

[Dep. Editor’s note: This is an anodyne standard reply which actually means “Its not in Bexhill so we don’t really care”]

Photo: Steve Blattman

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Does the deputy editors note not slightly contravene the papaer’s own comments policy -“Any comments made about other people or organisations whether they refer to the story or not must be based on evidence and justified. They should also generally be expressed in a reasonable and considered way.”
    In any case public criticism of a public body without quoting evidence does not help the local cause, in my opinion, even if we do all privately agree !

  2. Jempsons gave Rother formal notice that they wished the Recycling Bins at Station Approach removed around two years ago —it’s only actually happened over these last few months ! So the remaining bins in Ferry Road Car Park rapidly became over-filled …how strange ! Now they’ve been replaced with small bins for all sorts of rubbish apparently, with tiny openings so that none of the often large re-cycling pieces can be left …another mess coming ? I had frequently ‘chased’ RDC on this whole problems, to receive just polite acknowledgements !!!
    We never hear of this problem happening in Bexhill !!!!!!!!!!


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