Roads network activity update


A Sussex police roads network activity update for the week 16th September 2020.

During the recent months, both the PCC Office and Sussex Police have received numerous correspondence from residents and communities across Sussex in relation to anti-social driving / riding. Work has been undertaken to assess these issues.

The issues are at their worst during periods of nice weather, and especially on the weekends. The principle complaints are:

  1. The speed of vehicles
  2. The manner of driving or riding of those vehicles, and in particular dangerous overtaking
  3. The noise generated by vehicles, in particular motorcycles.

This week saw Project EDWARD days of action. The days of action have involved officers from Ops Command and local divisions together with camera safety partnership teams, community speed watch, Sussex Safer Roads Partnership and Drive Smart.

Below are some numbers to give an idea of the action we have been taking at a force-wide level. Hopefully in due course, we will be able to generate some numbers to provide an insight into the action being taken in your specific district.

Ops Command Activity

The following is the amount of action that has been carried out around the Fatal 5 (speed, seatbelt, drink drive, drug drive and use of mobiles)

Verbal Warnings 23
Summons 4
Section 5 (excess alcohol) 0
Section 5a (excess drugs) 2
Excess speed 15
Negative breath test 12
Drunk in charge 1
Warning 30


Operation Krypton – to disrupt criminality on the roads                                             

A number of hotspots have been targeted by Ops Command over the week as well as wider directed patrol activities to support the divisions.

Roads Policing Arrests this week :

Categories Arrests
Driving Offences 10
Drink/Drug Driving 23
TWOC / Disqualified driving 3
Other Crime 44


Sussex Safer Roads Partners

Operation Crackdown Reports

Careless / inconsiderate driving 123
Close pass of a cyclist 38
Driving under the influence of drink or drugs 9
Driving whilst using mobile phone 19
Driving with no licence / insurance 15
Excessive Noise 28
No MOT 11
No seatbelt 7
Overtaking on double white Lines 7
Parking on zig zag lines 13
Red Light (including temporary lights) 16
Speeding 38
Speeding (CSW) 1,607
Unnecessary Obstruction 61
Vehicle condition and use 10
TOTAL 2,002


Community Speed Watch Activities

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
All Records 885 1,465 1,538
DVLA Valid Records 774 1,290 1,416
Excessive speeder records 95 199 163
Max speeder 30mph 61 66 63
Max speeder 40mph 61 60 62
Document Offences 26 63 64
Invalid record 123 287 144
Case filed 1 0 0
Letter sent 176 1,057 1,326
Pending 585 117 0

Source: Sussex Police, Safer East Sussex Team & Prevention Team, Hastings & Rother

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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