The annual summer fete at Rye Harbour on Sunday July 8 was a great success. Despite a cloudy sky, the rain held off and a good time was had by all.
The fun dog show was popular with classes including dog with the waggiest tail, best rescue dog and dog that looked most like its owner.

Traditional games were in good supply, with a coconut shy, a splat the rat and a rat racing competition. A local group organised a yoga demonstration and a 13-strong band of Ryebellion drummers (from the Rye and District Bonfire society) played two sets.
Ryebellion will also be performing at Hastings Pirate Day on Sunday July 15, where thousands of people will congregate on the beach to form a giant skull and crossbones. Why are pirates so cool? Because they arrrgggggghhhhhhh.
Image Credits: Seana Lanigan .