Tennis Club development on hold


Some weeks ago we reported on the plans for Rye Tennis Club in Military Road, to construct a new building to house three indoor courts. The object behind this was to increase the facilities the Club had to offer, encourage new and younger members and to enable the playing and coaching of tennis to continue year-round regardless of weather.

It is a fact that any building used for this purpose is inevitably going to be very big and bulky. Not surprisingly, therefore, there were objections from residents of Military Road, even though the majority, it must be said, would be unlikely to be affected by the development.

The objections centred mainly on potentially dangerous access (being on a bend), increased traffic, light pollution at night and overall bulk of the building and therefore its unsuitability for its planned location. The possibility of flooding was also mentioned, although the Environment Agency did not regard the risk as significant and raised no objection to the development.

Other objections came from Rye Conservation Society, the CPRE and Natural England while support for the project was received from Rother District Council’s Sports Development Officer and Rye’s MP, Amber Rudd.

The Planning Officer recommended refusal however the Planning Committee at Rother decided that there were a number of questions and factors outstanding which could affect the decision and therefore decided to defer a final decision until the Club had been given the opportunity to supply the required information. Full details of the application can be seen here.

This saga has some way to run yet before a final definitive outcome.



Photo: Rye News library

Image Credits: Simon Kershaw .

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  1. Isn’t this supposed to be a news article not an opinion piece?
    So the writer knows all the objectors on Military Road and has discussed with them how they feel they would be affected? Well he certainly hasn’t asked me and I suspect not others either.
    Can we be told whether Mr. Minter is a member of the Tennis Club? I see he is a tennis player so it’s not outwith the bounds that he is in which case surely a neutral should be writing this piece??
    Either way this is definitely not written as a news article!

  2. Sir, the decision of the planning committee was not to refuse the application but to defer the decision for further information with regard to environmental impacts, design, access by vehicles and details of public access for non members of the tennis club.
    You may need to amend the report as printed.

  3. Thank you, Paul, for your helpful comment. Rye News has also received this information from other sources today and the article has been updated accordingly.

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