St George’s Day Parade


On Sunday April 24 Rye celebrated St George’s Day with a procession from the Town Hall and a service in St Mary’s church.  The procession was led by standards carried by ex-services groups and scouts and guides. Our Mayor, Bernardine Fiddimore was accompanied by the Town Clerk, Town Sergeant, Second Mace Bearer and a number of Town Councillors.The Mayor and her party entered the church by the South door.

St George is the patron saint of scouts and guides so it was fitting that there were many of them in the procession. The Rector, Canon David Frost, gave a very good sermon explaining the history of St George and his adversary, the dragon. There was even a reference to the the 1960’s comedy series George and the Dragon featuring Sid James and Peggy Mount.  The Mayor gave a Bible reading. Anthony Kimber led the scouts and Guides in a renewal of Promises. Older ex-members were invited to renew their promises as well. The service finished with the National Anthem to remind everyone that the Queen had just celebrated her 90th birthday.

The mayoral party walked back to the Town Hall to disrobe and return to the church to join the rest of the congregation for coffee in the Clare Chapel.

Photos: Linden Thomas

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