Swap shop question marks


Pre-Covid the swap shop, which met in St Mary’s Centre and the Tilling Green Community Centre, provided many bargains as household possessions got recycled while,  at the same time, reducing what ended up as waste.

Its return however has been constrained, while Covid is still around and indeed increasing, by space limits (see photo above) and possible infection risks within the St Mary’s Centre, and by the Tilling Green Centre being used for Covid vaccinations – with another booster jab being expected some time soon.

However St Mary’s has an alternative outlet for any unwanted goods, as Saturday, August 20 will see its summer fete staged in the churchyard from 11am to 2pm with a whole range of stalls, along with refreshments and cakes.

So your books, bric-a-brac – and bottles – can find a new home, whether on sale on a stall or included in the bottle tombola. And the church shop is also welcoming redundant Christmas, Easter, birthday and other occasion cards which can be recycled – so very little needs go to waste.

However it will be good to see the swap shop back when it seems possible.

Image Credits: Mike Pepler .

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  1. Thank you Charlie for promoting the Summer FĂȘte. We are collecting GOOD QUALITY bric-a-brac, books (pre-sorted into genre if possible please) and bottles of any type for the bottle tombola. However, bottles need to be new, unopened and in date!
    Also, regarding the used cards for recycling, we are not collecting Christmas cards at the moment. Just Easter, Birthday and other occasion cards.


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