The “CC Walkers”


There is a pool of around 65 community volunteers willingly supporting the Rye vaccination centre @ryepfizer. Many have contributed both time and effort since last May. The result is that a great working atmosphere and team spirit has been developed.

With numbers for vaccinations starting to reduce, to avoid losing the many new working friendships, some volunteers had the idea of a group walk, perhaps once a month. Formed as the CCW, (abbreviated from Clarity Chemist Walkers), it takes its name from Clarity which provides the clinical lead at the Rye centre.

The first of these walks was on the afternoon of Thursday, January 20 at Winchelsea Beach The weather was cold but sunny, with a route starting at Dogs Hill Road. Under typically wonderful Winchelsea Beach skies there was fresh sea air and glimpses of interesting seaside homes. Importantly there was also a convenient café with clean loos to provide a welcoming stop at the end.

This was a successful outing, much enjoyed by those who took part. It has been agreed to repeat in new locations in the future, for which there are already lots of ideas.

Thanks go to Rachel and Christina for organising this first venture and also for the first aid emergency cover!

Image Credits: Anthony Kimber .

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