Three courses for the autumn


Rye Branch of the WEA (Workers’ Educational Association) has three courses kicking off in the autumn – on practical gardening, China’s history and topical issues. Practical gardening, led by Jacqueline White, will be in Udimore Village Hall on Fridays starting October 2, 11:15am-1:15pm, and is for both beginners or the experienced to learn and share knowledge. The course lasts ten weeks and costs £85.05.

The Unfolding Story of China, led by Karen Chang, is in St Mary’s Centre in Rye starting Monday October 5, 2pm-5pm for seven weeks and also costs £85.05 ;  while “Burning issues” on local, national and global events is led by David Alfred and is about sharing views. This is a monthly course, commencing Thursday October 8, (the second Thursday of each month) in St Mary’s Centre between 1:30pm and 4:30pm and again costs £85.05 for seven sessions. The local contact is Andy Stuart on 01797 223831 or (Source WEA)

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