Violent drug offender jailed


A Rye man has been sentenced to more than four years in jail for serious violence and drug offences. In September 2022  a search warrant was conducted at a property in Pottingfield Road following reports of drug-related crime. Officers uncovered drug paraphernalia, approximately £360 cash, and several mobile phones.

The warrant led to interviews with Leon Dodson who was located at the address, and enquiries into messages found on the phones relating to the supply of drugs and criminal activity. In May last year the 25-year-old was arrested after police received reports that two men had been stabbed at the Queens Head pub in Rye.

He was charged the following day with grievous bodily harm with intent, attempted grievous bodily harm with intent, possession of an offensive weapon in a public place, affray, and criminal damage and remanded into custody. In October 2023, he was also charged with being concerned in the supply of a Class A drug (cocaine) and in the supply of a class B drug (cannabis) in relation to the warrant conducted the year before.

Dodson was sentenced to 58 months imprisonment after pleading guilty to the GBH offences at Lewes Crown Court on November 4. On January 29 Dodson was sentenced to a further 28 months imprisonment after pleading guilty to the drug offences. Both sentences will run concurrently.

Image Credits: Sussex Police .

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    • I have to disagree. I think it’s a good wake-up call to local residents that not everything is olde worlde Mapp & Lucia in Rye. There’s another side to the town. I’ve said this before, but since becoming a dog owner and taking a late night walk, there’s more that goes on after dark than I previously realised.

  1. Fully agree Andrew, but I still think it’s wrong to see and read “especially see” nasty pieces of work like this chap.

    • Our aim is to produce balanced reporting on whatever comes to our attention, if we didnt we would be lambasted for not doing so. Like everywhere, Rye also has a darker side which we dont intend to dwell on but at the same time, can’t be ignored. Thankfully, Rye News covers such a variety of topics and events that hopfully we provide an interest for all but if it’s good or bad news, it’s still news and needs to be reported. Thanks for your comments and for sharing your views, regards, Nick Forman, Editor

      • I think TB’s point is that it’s a huge, disturbing photo that occupies most of the screen currently when one goes to the page. I would rather not repeatedly see his face either. I don’t think anyone is suggesting that you don’t report on it, just that a bit more thought is given to the way it presents online.

  2. Seems like it would be a good idea to have an increased police presence despite what the police chief said last year (“there’s little crime”). Ward off trouble, we pay enough in taxes! Also, why do the sentences run concurrently?

  3. Well said Nick, all news good or bad about the town should be reported, that’s what makes this town so intriguing, over the years many have seen it all,from scandals to huge achievements from others, that’s what makes this town tick, even though sadly some will always be in denial. Of the truth,of our town.

  4. One has to smile whatever Rye News prints there is always some that disagree on their balanced reporting, people must remember this is not a church magazine, and serious issues that we have seen over the years from arson to drugs sometimes have to be highlighted make us all aware,sadly this is not the squeaky town ,everyone would like it to be.

  5. Sadly, Rye News is giving this person his moment of glory in the limelight which is almost a badge of honour for the likes of him. Kindly remove it.

  6. I’ve lived in some big cities and very small villages and the one thing they all have in common is a dark side.
    If you do stop printed photos and stories such as these then you had better stop calling yourself “The Rye News”
    Sadly it’s not all scallop weeks and jazz festivals, its also the hard knocks that life delivers to some.

  7. One has to smile of those in denial of Rye News making this criminal headlines on their page, whether one likes it or not,it’s the truth of the matter and should be headline to make everyone aware of the downside of our town, I suggest to those against this headline,scroll past it but don’t dictate to others, who are only doing their best to keep us all informed on both sides of this town.

    • Absolutely agree with you. When I lived in Rye I felt it was Disney by day and Dante by night. If I didn’t drive down from London and caught the train, I always made sure that a taxi was ordered, as walking up to the Citadel never felt quite safe after dark.

  8. In 1743 the people of Rye flocked to Gibbet Marsh to watch the public hanging of John Breads, convicted of the murder of Allen Grebell. Now, in 2024, some of the people of Rye can’t bear to see the face of a convicted drug dealer, rightly jailed for violence. Far from glorifying what he has done, the headline Violent Drug Offender Jailed, shows him for what he is. If one person decides that such public exposure is enough to put them off offending, or if one innocent person is saved from violence, then we should put up with it. Not seeing something doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Indeed, covering up something unpalatable just makes it more likely to happen.

    • I fully agree that we need to see ALL news in its entirety: warts and all. It is essential that we are aware of both positive and negative goings-on. Hence the name Rye News. It’s a wake up call to those considering moving to the area and believing it to be perfect, it isn’t by any means and bad stuff happens everywhere, unfortunately. To those offended by the full page photo of the criminal, it will soon be yesterdays news.

  9. Thank you Michael Montagu and John Tolhurst!
    My suggestion to those who love to rush into critical print is to actually write articles for Rye News. We need you!!


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