Winchelsea fund raising for cadets


In the Court Hall, Winchelsea on Saturday February 18 a coffee morning was held to raise as much money as possible for the Rye Sea Cadets. A full house was treated to two short talks by the Chairman, and Vice Chairman of the Cadets. We then listened to a first-class review delivered without any notes, of Able Cadet Jack Brown’s experiences with the Sea Cadets and the opportunities that his training offered. He described his trip on a training ship powered by sail, and his time at tri-services establishments in Australia. [Tri-services refers to the army, navy and air force).  He spoke with great self confidence, and the subsequent applause said it all.

Thank you to all those who donated raffle prizes or cash, and £205 was the result of your generosity. A further £232 was produced from our first attempt at an auction. This proved to be a highly successful venture. We are very grateful to those who donated objects for the auction, and I was stunned to receive quite unexpectedly, a superb painting of Camber Castle from artist Jenny Thompson just before the event began. This generous gift alone raised the total for the morning by a three figure sum .

My wife rejoined the audience just as bidding started for an etching that I as her husband had contributed. Our esteemed auctioneer thought that my wife, who happened to rearrange a wisp of hair, was entering the bidding. She ended up paying for an etching that I had hoped would find a happy home somewhere else!

To all the helpers who kindly served coffee/tea and home made biscuits to die for, both before the auction and after, our thanks.

A total of £437 was raised that morning. Clearly everyone felt that it was very worthwhile to support the youngsters who train in the Rye Sea Cadets and we are delighted that £437 was raised for them. They in turn can be very proud of their representative Able Cadet Jack Brown, who just happens to be the Mayor’s Cadet here in Winchelsea.


Photo: Rye News library

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