A question of sport.


Finding a tin of tartan paint would seem marginally easier than being able to publish regular stories relating to sport. Rye News features stories from Rye Tennis Club, Rye Football Club and Rye Cricket Club, but to be honest, very little else. The reason for this is that with these three clubs someone who cares, and makes the time, bothers to write about their club or at least sends in details which enables one of the waiting Rye News team to write about it.

The odd charity bike ride, sponsored run, tug of war and other sporting activities feature occasionally but on the whole sport seems to be a dirty word locally or am I mistaken?

Illegal parking, planning issues, council matters and other newsworthy topics are guaranteed to generate readership and so take regular space, readers want to hear about these issues and generally tend to make their feelings heard by commenting.

Conspicuous by their absence are interesting sporting stories, who caught the biggest fish, we got a hole in one, who beat the course record, which team is getting promoted, who rode the fastest and furthest, who holds this years trophy, swam a marathon, went the full ten rounds, shot the most clays, jumped the highest hurdle, won the badminton league, squashed the opposition, flew the highest kite, bowled the winning wood etc etc . . . you get the message.

Most of us must know someone who is involved in some kind of sporting activity, however off the wall or extreme and even if we are not personally interested our readers may well be.

We can’t tell them what’s going on in the local sporting circles because we don’t know! Chasing clubs and societies for regular updates and stories shouldn’t be down to us, why wouldn’t you want FREE editorial for your club, event or society? Don’t you want to see a photo and write up in your local online paper and share your story with people who may well be very interested?

Give us something to write about which matters to you, send in your photos and some text, write an article yourself or if it’s easier we will do it for you, simples!

We have plenty of space reserved for you to publicise your sporting interests, variety is the spice of life as they say, help us to make your local paper the paper you want to read and tell others about.

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’”
– Muhammad Ali

Image Credits: Michael Day, Rye News library, Nick Forman .

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  1. Just a question on Sport, walking in new road recently,two young lads walking off the Salts,with their football,i heard them complaining bitterly, where was the goal posts,that were put up at the beginning of the season, so it would be interesting to know,who authorised the removal of these posts and why,because this is a recreational ground, for all sports, and not just some

  2. What about Darts and Pool, come to think of it Snooker as well.
    3 pubs in Rye have dart boards. Only one team out of Rye same with pool.
    It seems Rye is set up for tourism and to hell with the locals.
    Big shame.


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