Eastertide is a season of joy and giving, so the Chernobyl Children Rye fund is launching a very important appeal in the hope of your support. One of our main projects is assisting a children’s hospice in Belarus, one of the countries still suffering the residual effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that horrified the world almost 30 years ago. The hospice we help cares for 30 children, all suffering from radiation-linked illnesses, such as various forms of cancer. No state support is available, the hospice is totally dependent on donations from people of kind heart.
The most pressing need is the purchase of a reconditioned, specially equipped vehicle to transport bedridden and wheelchair-bound children for treatments such as chemotherapy to hospitals in the closest big city, Pinsk. The car that has been used so far has literally fallen to pieces. No car means no treatment. A suitable vehicle is available for £8,000. So far we have raised £2, 000, leaving us £6,000 short. Will you find it in your hearts to help us reach our target as soon as possible?
Some of these children are doomed, but they are children, who still manage to find wonder in the world around them. Just look at this photo. Unlike we adults, children do not need much to be happy. Surely we can bring some relief and joy into their short, and often pain-filled lives? Please help us get that car!
Donations can be made as follows:
- Bank: HSBC Cafbank: Sort code – 40-52-40; Account No. – 00091394; Account name – Chernobyl Children Rye. Mark your donation “Hospice car”
- Cheques/money orders can be posted to: J Sherwood, 25 Lea Avenue, Rye TN31 7BH, also marked “Hospice car”. Cheques should be made payable to Chernobyl Children Rye
- Collection tins: all those pesky coins that weigh down your purse and are not worth much are still worth it for our appeal. There are marked collection tins in Adams of Rye and Barclays Bank, both in the High Street, as well as in the Golden Fleece in Lion Street.
Thank you!
Alyona Kojevnikov
Chair, Chernobyl Children Rye

Photos; Tatyana Plotnitskaj