Concern over Rock Channel East


Readers write:

Dear Sir

I strongly object to further development for housing in Rock Channel East which is, at present, mainly industrial and commercial. It is also a conservation area which is used by pedestrians both visiting and by residents. It is also a safe thoroughfare for children and cyclists.
It is listed in the neighbour plan as designated area for housing development and it is, I believe, totally unsuitable. The river is eroding and is therefore not a suitable place for a large construction site.

Margaret Houselander

Image Credits: John Minter .

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  1. Planners talk about ‘sustainable’ development and more construction in what is in effect a historic flood plain should be discouraged, especially with accelerating climate change that will make the flood plane more vulnerable to future flooding. Even flood resilient measures built as features into new development in this location will not be sufficient for the currently under-estimated future sea level rises, in my view, in this vulnerable location. Why not make better use of our existing local building stock in safer locations? A cursory inspection of all the properties in Rye itself reveal that astonishingly there is still considerable dereliction and vacancy of many buildings and in-fill sites in safer locations, that if developed, could be brought make into beneficial use to ease issues of stock-shortages. Why not at least consolidate what we already have in terms of building stock before rushing to build afresh? This is how we must all think in a new age of climate crisis: adapt and consolidate what we have rather than rush to buy new (in any context of our consumption). If there is then still a deficit of building stock then please don’t further build in low lying areas which will be more and more vulnerable to flood in the future. Head for the hills instead!


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