Here comes Christmas?


As a second burst of lockdown started it was tempting to feel slightly depressed as all the indications at present seem to suggest that the second wave of Covid-19 will not be easily stopped, and the Christmas season has the potential to make it much worse as the temptation to celebrate with friends and family grows.

But we can, and do, celebrate at home as each year brings with it a burst of lights – not always in the High Street, though that would be nice, but in the front garden – or sometimes more discreetly in our windows.

But each to their own taste. Last year we celebrated with lots of church services, carols, markets and parties, but who can say yet what may be possible or wise this year?

St Michael’s Hospice Lights of Love at St Mary’s, Rye, in a preceding year

I was always touched by the messages from family (and friends) on the St Michael’s Hospice trees, shown above, in local churches – but I suspect what I miss the most at Christmas is being crammed into a tiny space in the hall of Lamb House in Rye for Christmas entertainment followed by mince pies and a glass of plonk. Charles Dickens rules OK! But it’s not on the National Trust’s agenda.

Cast in full song at a farewell Christmas evening in Lamb House

However the very least we can do is decorate our homes and, as I live in a small terrace of four houses, perhaps we could have Father Christmas and his reindeer dancing along the line of the roof between the chimney pots – but maybe not!

Rye News photographers will in due course be scouring the town though looking for examples, and we could all do with a bit of fun now – couldn’t we?

Image Credits: J. Minter , Rye News library , Patrick Rogers .

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