Not so Smart Rother


In his comment following the Rye News article last week, John Cooper is exactly right. But Rother District Council is a “brand” with zero public recognition beyond its boundaries. Same with the parking company.
But Camber and Camber Sands does have brand value!
Their national image is being tarnished by a cavalier parking company (which has also despoiled the dunes (see photo above) with its forest of vile and utterly pointless signs) and a sorry excuse for a public body that seems to be more interested in cashing in on its constituents than anything else. From their pleasure palace in Bexhill they are laughing all the way to the bank with utter disregard for the people who live and work in Camber and depend on visitors for their livelihoods.
Remember those people who have been ripped off for their parking at Camber will tell other people via social media. And they won’t be coming back any time soon.
Fleece the folk of east East Sussex (and their visitors) for all they are worth and splash the cash on Bexhill bandstands and other civic baubles built on an epic scale appears to be the sole policy of a ruling cabal that seems to have modelled itself on communist era Romania in its utter disregard for community.
It’s time for our elected representatives at Rother to step up to the plate, admit their wrongs and sort it out. And then resign en bloc at the next election because enough is enough.
This is what Cromwell said to the Long Parliament when he thought it was no longer fit to conduct the affairs of the nation. It applies equally to the Long Cabinet at Rother.
“You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.”

Photo: Rye News library

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  1. Aren’t the signs needed to inform people of parking charges because barriers are no longer used as they led to queuing on the main road?

  2. I agree that the car park is now a visual catastrophy, with its massed ranks of industrial, urban signage, but the ‘utter disregard for community’ you refer to, ‘communist era’ joking aside, must clearly be blamed on Conservatives.


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