A forest of Christmas trees


The inaugural Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s has just drawn to a close, but has been an amazing success.

The Church has spent most of December covered in Christmas trees submitted by voluntary groups, shops and businesses from across this community and, even on the gloomiest of days, has given St Mary’s an ethereal, twinkling, beauty. Visitors and worshippers alike have been hugely appreciative of the transformation.

BBC Radio Sussex even got wind of the story and spent a morning at St Mary’s handing out baubles and speaking to people.

Christmas Tree Festival St Mary’s Rye

Although it has been a great effort, and drawn many parts of Rye together, perhaps next year it could be even bigger and better? St Mary’s is a big space and it would be fantastic to see 100 trees. And, don’t forget, they don’t need to be regular trees – we live in a creative town so we are open to many creative interpretations, for example Ethel Loves Me’s decorated step ladder. And, perhaps, next year we shall also run some sort of competition asking visitors to vote for their favourite tree. Watch out for the flyers next autumn.

Huge thanks are due to Hilary Morfitt and Vivienne Pattison, who made the whole thing happen, and to the Rye Chamber of Commerce who generously sponsored the event. Thanks also to all our contributors of trees: Rye Chamber of Commerce, Lights of Love, The Paper Place, Family Support Work, Lola & Sidney, the WRVS, the Trefoil Guild, Sue Ryder, the Mermaid Inn, the Rye Arts Festival, Mother’s Union, Rye Heritage Centre, Rye & Winchelsea Rotary Club, Ethel Loves Me, Rye Castle Museum, Rye Bonfire Society, Gracious Care, the WI, The View Pilates, St Michael’s Hospice, Rye Players (1 & 2), Mission Aviation Fellowship, The Knitting Group, St Thomas Camber, Rye Fine Wines, St Mary’s Church, the Chapel of Christ’s Stillness, the Sunflower Charity Shop, the Bell Ringers, Nicola Hill & Tara McDonald from Rye Creative Centre.

Although the Christmas Tree Festival is over Christmas itself is still to come – you are warmly invited to all the services in St Mary’s but with special mention to the service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 6pm on Sunday, December 22, the Crib service at 5pm on Christmas Eve and, of course, Midnight Mass which starts at 11pm on Christmas Eve. But, whatever you do this Christmas, have a very merry one and a happy new year!

Christmas Tree Festival St Mary’s Rye

Image Credits: Rev'd Paul White , Kt bruce .

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