A time to reflect


Performance coach Claire Sutherland of Catapult Consulting, who lives in Rye Harbour, has this advice for the new year.

The end of the calendar year provides the perfect opportunity for some quiet self-reflection, and the chance to learn from the victories and defeats of the previous twelve months, before formulating a plan and some goals for the following year. We should always make time for self-reflection in order to learn and grow. Here are some questions to get you started.

1.What did I achieve this year?

2.What did I not get around to achieving, even though I had promised myself I would?

3.What blunders and absurdities crept into my plans?

4.Which people took more from me than they gave in return?

5.Which bad habits am I yet to break?

6.What kindnesses am I yet to return?

7.What am I prioritising this year?

8.Who did I neglect, and how will I redress the balance?

9.What made me most proud in 2024?

10.In what area(s) did I know, honestly, that I could have done better?

11.How many times did I compare myself to others?

12.How did I invest in my own learning and knowledge?

13.How did I put new knowledge into action?

14.What activities or responsibilities did I avoid this year?

15.How well did I look after my own mental and emotional wellbeing?

16.Which resentments, injustices, anger, and past hurts do I still need to relinquish?

17.How have I allowed myself, on occasions, to become distracted?

18.How did I waste my own time?

19.Where have I not cared enough?

20.What is my number one priority in 2025?

Claire Sutherland, executive coach at Catapult Consulting,  is the author of Managing Performance at Work and Blueprint for 21st Century

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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