A dog day afternoon


Winchelsea’s summer fete raises money for local and national charities including Guide Dogs, the Sea Cadets, the National Trust and many more. This year’s fair was held on Saturday August 9, when the sun shone and the rain held off.

A major event was the dog show, with about 50 dogs entering. Many others had come to spectate,  undermining the obedience classes as there were so many distractions it was hard for the competitors to concentrate: attractive members of the opposite sex, a sausage stall and a splat the rat sideshow. The two beautiful owls and Harris Hawk brought by Owltitude attracted almost as much attention but remained suitably inscrutable.

One interesting stall was run by the Stir Crazy Stitchers, a group of ladies from Fairlight and Pett Level, who meet regularly and create a multitude of original handmade items, such as bed linen, tablecloths and other useful household goods. They attend about six fetes and fairs each year and raise money for many different charities, on this occasion the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

The Pett Level Rescue Boat Association is one of their favourite charities and the stitchers will be on hand again at the association’s open day on August 24. The rescue boat is looking for more volunteers and has a website packed with information.

Supporters of the Rye Winchelsea and District Memorial hospital were selling a book of recipes from cooks in Rye and Winchelsea. Illustrated by Rye’s own John Izod, the book can be bought from the Winchelsea Farm Kitchen shop on the town’s High Street. The 18-piece Battle Town Band provided a varied and lively selection of tunes to accompany the afternoon’s activities.

Photos: Seana Lanigan

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