Art supplies urgently needed


Malcolm and Shane are in the Ukraine at the moment bringing sunshine and smiles to the faces of everyone. The children loved the toys and sweets and even the soldiers lives were brightened by the kindness of the people of Kent and Sussex who had donated all the things Malcolm and Shane took.

This is a follow up after last week’s story

Fresh fruit and a comfort box

Is there no stopping the man? Malcolm arrives home on Friday August 25 and is setting off again on August 28 with Shane. He explained: “We are collecting for my next trip in a few days as we have found a fantastic cause, which is to help children get over their trauma by getting them to be creative and artistic. This helps tremendously and the results are quite staggering. We met with the president of the region and the mayor who informed us about the classes they are running. We are looking for donations of colouring books, crayons, water-based paints, sticker books and puzzles.”

You can contact Malcolm on or 07746 146782.

Image Credits: Malcolm Maynard .

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