Rye Conservation Society has a few seats left available for its trip to the fascinating Weald and Downland Living Museum on Wednesday October 11, which is open to members and non-members of the Society alike.
Since The Weald & Downland Museum is at the other end of Sussex, in Singleton, the coach trip presents a relaxing and comfortable way to visit a truly fascinating attraction which showcases the area’s industrial, agricultural and domestic heritage from medieval times onward.
John Griffiths, chairman of Rye Conservation Society, says: “This promises to be a fascinating trip where we will go around the rescued and reconstructed buildings from the past as well as the award-winning Gridshell Building built in 2002 and the brand-new three structures that comprise the Gateway Buildings that were opened only in 2017.
“We will enjoy a guided tour which will provide a further insight into the old buildings and the fascinating new buildings which add so much more to the experience.”
The coach will leave at 9am from outside Rye Train Station and return at about 6:30pm.
For more information and to book tickets, contact John Griffiths on 01797 223594.
Photos: Weald & Downland Museum