Christingle in the harbour


What a lovely Christingle service it was on Sunday, December 18 at the church in the harbour, the Church of the Holy Spirit.

Skye Leroy-Lewis, aged 12, read two lessons which is pretty brave in front of the congregation. Toby, her brother, was a great help with decorating the tree and the church with Skye, and Linda Esrada led the service beautifully. Martin Bruce played the organ.

Thank you to all those who came and sang so well.

Theo having fun re-arranging the nativity scene

The knitted nativity scene captured the attention of Theo, aged two and a half. He spent a great deal of the service re-arranging the animals and crib figures to his liking. I think the camels were surprised.

Linda explained the different components of the Christingle as the congregation made them in the service. It was lovely to see so many youngsters there enjoying the service. Or was it the lure of the sweets on the orange perhaps.

A big thank you to Steve and Richard Tollett who donated the oranges and sweets. Not all the sweets made it to the end of the service!

Image Credits: Kt bruce , Lucy Green .

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