Conserving their energy


Members of Rye Conservation Society (RCS) gathered in the Town Hall Council Chamber again this year, not for a wedding or council meeting, but for much amiable chatting and some excellent nibbles provided by the indefatigable Rae Festing. Chairman John Griffiths welcomed the members and their guests including the Mayor, Cllr Bernadine Fiddimore.

Then, upholding a tradition instituted by the late Sir Donald Sinden, he proceeded to tell three jokes, only once stumbling towards the punchline. But they were all new and entertainingly funny, as far as your reporter can remember.

[Editor’s note: RCS members should be aware that Rye Town Hall is a Grade II listed building in a Conservation Area, built in 1742, and it is the third one on the site. The first was burnt to the ground by the French in 1377 when they burnt most of the rest of the town, though St Mary’s next door – whose building dates back to the 12th century – survived, though badly damaged.

The Council Chamber, formerly a courtroom, is still used for meetings by Rye Town Council but, since 1998, it has also become a popular choice for weddings – which can be booked, along with Town Crier Rex Swain. The Town Hall also houses the Rye Gibbet Cage which contained the body of murderer John Breads, who killed Deputy Mayor Alan Grebell in mistake for the Mayor, who then presided at his trial before Breads was hung on Gibbet Marsh and his body put in the cage.]

Photo : Kenneth Bird

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