Help your Heritage Centre


The Rye Heritage Centre was due to re-open in April but like so many other venues it had to remain closed due to the coronavirus pandemic and no date has yet been set when it is planned to reopen. In the interim, all the planned tours to see the Rye model from tourists and visitors from home and abroad have been cancelled resulting in thousands of pounds of much needed income being lost.

Opening at the moment is just not practical, but until it is remedial works have been going on behind the scenes to freshen up the ground floor up and to rearrange the reception area to make it more ‘user friendly’.

The reception area is being redesigned which meant taking out the reception desk shown in the photograph.

Part of that process has involved removing the main reception desk (see photo) as it was deemed to be far too big and took up space which could be better utilised for other purposes so it his been taken out. As electrical cabling ran through it, this is being disconnected and re-run to an alternative location but as a result, the main body of the reception desk could not be salvaged, (see photo below) a replacement is required and this is where your help is needed.

In recent months, many shops, offices and buildings have either closed down completely, changed hands or are about to close or be repurposed. As a result, many of the fixtures and fittings could well now be surplus to requirements and may find their final resting place on a bonfire or at the local tip or appear in the ‘free to collector columns’. The Rye Heritage Centre needs a new reception desk / counter but as it is run by a recently formed charity, funds are extremely limited, so if you have one available or know where there may be one which could be a possibility, please get in touch.

Are you a builder who has been asked to remove the fittings from a shop or business where you think something might be suitable?

Are you a retired (or active) carpenter who has the ability to make a reception desk / counter and donate your time, skills and material to enable the Heritage Centre to function and be part of its onward journey?

Please get in touch via Rye News at as soon as possible if you think you can help, it’s unlikely that the Heritage Centre will open in the short term but the aim is to be ready to open as soon as it is practical to do so. In the meantime there are various improvements to be made and issues to be addressed until that day finally arrives.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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