I love Rye because…


Ryecast is back for 2024, with loads of locals lined up to tell their story on the podcast. The first proper episode of what’s now series 3 gets published next week, but until then here’s a bonus episode called “I love Rye because…”

Over Christmas and New Year, Rye News ran a social media campaign sharing some of the many reasons why people love Rye (spoiler alert: it’s the people). It was Natasha Robinson’s idea – she’s the paper’s Instagram whizz. You can hear her suggestion in this week’s Ryecast, as well as ideas from the rest of the Rye News team. Just click on the link below.

So, what’s yours? Why do you love Rye?

Me? Thanks for asking! I love Rye because everyone has a story to tell (which is pretty handy if you’re making a podcast). And … because it’s home.

Hear the episode by clicking here or search for Ryecast wherever you get your podcasts. That’s where you can also find all the past episodes or click on www.ryecast.org and don’t forget to follow Rye News @newsrye on Instagram

Ryecast is presented and produced in Rye by James Stewart

Image Credits: Neil Howard CC , Natasha Robinson , logo design by Mark Baker .

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