Plants aid cancer trials


A sale of plants and bric-a-brac was held last Saturday, May 21 at the Buttermarket, organised by Davida Turpin. She writes about its success for Rye News:

“This is the second year I have held the plant sale to raise funds for the Royal Marsden Hospital cancer trials.

As last year, the sale was a great success and was well supported by friends and locals.

I am very grateful for all the support I have received.

I would like to thank the mayor, Andi Rivett for his support and Jess Neame for all her help with the arrangements.

I’d also like to thank my team of friends and helpers who give their time and energy in order to make the day a success. I am still receiving donations and hope to be able to reach my target of raising £2,000 for the Marsden.”

Image Credits: Davida Turpin , Gillian Roder .

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