Rye Artists host festive evening


There was a regular party going on outside the Rye Community Centre on Conduit Hill on Friday August 4. The Rye Society of Artists was launching its 66th Summer Show at a private view to invited guests.

The hospitality suite

Inside the hall, upstairs and down, the place was thronged out with would-be purchasers and those for whom opening night is high on the year’s social agenda. Both rooms lent themselves admirably to the display of art on show and several of the artists themselves were on hand to give a welcome.

The show reflects an eclectic mix of works produced to a very high standard and sales were brisk with people queuing to snap up their favourite works.

Stephen Duffy, chair, and Davida Smith, ex-chair, did a great job organising this year’s show which is open till August 27.

Photos: Kenneth Bird

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