Spookiness comes to town


As families engaged in typical Halloween activities, hold costume parties, visit haunted house attractions, and watch horror films, the Cooke family of Pottingfield Road in Tilling Green joined in by decorating their house with all things spooky every year on Halloween (see slideshow below). This year was no different, writes Dan Lake.

Theresa Cooke, who organises the event each year, said: “We are pleased to say we raised £300, £200 of which will be going to Macmillan and £100 will be going to Rye Brownies and Rye Scouts. A big thank you to everyone for their donations and everyone who helped”



Meanwhile, on Mason Road, it was two dogs,Harry and Tom (see slideshow above), who were the stars of the show. Their owner Kay Fox said:”I was exhausted after all the trick or treaters. We had so many this year I ran out of sweets, and I had pre-made 34 bags.  quickly had to make some more! I think it may have been these little stars that were drawing the crowds!”

In the citadel itself, writes Seana Lanigan, the streets were quiet with residents confining themselves to smashing pumpkins and lobbing eggs (see slideshow below)


But at the Queens Head, with men in make up and dresses, women witches, spooky live music, a vile ventriloquist and a diabolical dummy (see slideshow below), Halloween was just a regular night.
 Photos: Dan Lake and Seana Lanigan
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