Students paint a musical triumph


Take a look at the faces of these students, they may be young but they are already extremely talented artists and who knows, you could be looking at a future David Hockney, Jenny Saville or even Banksy.

Such a great design, such a lot of hard work

These art students have completed their quest to decorate the ‘famous five’ pianos which will appear on street corners during the August Rye Jazz Festival. They have achieved an amazing result through sheer determination and hard work and we are all extremely proud of them.

No more words needed, the photos below tell the story. Just look at these amazing designs, all their own work and what an end result, well done to the whole team including Lauren Loveless and Stuart Chester.

Just think of the effort involved
Who’s the cool dude?
Stunning artwork and such skill

Image Credits: Lauren Loveless .

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