Supporting dementia music night


Deliea Redman chair of Dementia Action Alliance invited Rye Ukulele Experiment to play on Saturday October 22 at the Creative Centre. She arranged this event to create awareness and raise funds for Rye & District Dementia Action Alliance. The audience, about 30 strong, entered into the spirit of  the songs and accompanied us when they knew the words.

Individual performance by members of the dementia singing group
Individual performance by members of the dementia singing group

After the interval Liz Gange, organiser of a dementia singing group and compere, encouraged the members of this group to entertain us. It was lovely to see the enthusiasm of the many participants despite the difficulties some of them face in everyday life. Jacky Purser kept the tunes going with her guitar. Liz was very good at getting all the audience to join in singing easy melodies.

Mayor Jonathan Breeds and Councillor Cheryl Creaser were present supporting, yet again, an important community initiative.

There are currently 850,000 people in the UK living with dementia. 2,320 of whom are in the Rother area. This figure is believed to be rising but, with resources finite, the available care and cost for this will be even more limited in the future. Their special care and safety will fall, to a greater extent, on their families and the communities they live in.

Mayor Jonathan Breeds and Councillor Cheryl Creaser join in
Mayor Jonathan Breeds and Councillor Cheryl Creaser join in

If you would like to get involved as a volunteer or train to become a Dementia Friend Champion please contact Daliea Redman on 07737 350896 or email:

World Challenge

I would just like to mention Hannah Lane who lives in Rye but attends Homewood School. She baked the most amazing cakes for the interval   and helped with tea and coffee. It was another of her ideas to raise funds for her World Challenge for which she has to raise £3,890 by June 2017. So far she has raised £1,500 which is fantastic. Look out for her upcoming event, Halloween Day in Peasmarsh.

The students who signed up for this, ranging in age from 15 to 17, will have a three-part educational experience. They will be going to Malaysia and Borneo for 21 days, doing a week of treks, a week of community projects and a week of learning about the culture. Her ethos is wanting to help people less fortunate and giving back to communities. I do admire youngsters who step out of their comfort zone.

I wish her and the others all the best. To raise the money the students are to give their time and effort, so if anyone needs help with any parties or events, contact Hannah and she’ll try to help in order to earn her Challenge money. If you would like more information email:

Photo: Heidi Foster

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