Time to celebrate

On November 18 Landgate Women’s Institute (WI) will be celebrating its 30th birthday at St Mary’s Centre by the Kino cinema on Lion Street.
The Landgate branch was formed slightly differently from the normal WI style club as it had a mixture of the traditional formal meetings, but also included children going on picnics and outings.
It may be that 30 years ago not so many were working mothers so, in order to be able to attend the meetings, the children would sometimes have to be included. But for what ever reason, according to the records in the scrapbooks of events, it seemed a very happy arrangement.
And gradually it settled into the more recognised version of the WI meetings which included speakers, entertainment, craft meetings and outings.
Membership rose and fell over the three decades, and many of the older members are still active today in the group. On show at the birthday meeting will be the scrapbooks showing all the many activities that members have contributed to over the years.
The branch has always been involved in local  and national issues and played its part in the life of Rye and the country.
This year Landgate celebrated the 100th birthday of the Women’s Institute, along with thousands of members all over the country, including her Majesty the Queen who has been a WI member most of her life.
Membership of Landgate WI  is increasing year by year, and will go on being an opportunity for women to learn new skills and make new friendships.
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