Time to start seeding


Spring into action and prepare for this year’s Rye Flower and Veg Show. We are celebrating our 15th year with a glorious display of local produce.

The show is on Saturday, August 31 at the Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill. The date might seem a long way off but for the keen gardeners of Rye it is crucial that those seeds are sown very soon.

If you are not a veg or fruit grower, no matter, there are also dozens of classes for flowers, houseplants, herbs, foliage, cookery, handicrafts, and photography. There are also children’s categories. Everyone is welcome to enter and there are novelty classes including the most unusual shaped veg, always well supported, and sometimes quite rude!

We are affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society and a Banksian Medal will be up for grabs for whoever has the most place points in the horticultural classes, along with a special Crystal prize for the overall winner, to celebrate our 15th anniversary.

The full schedule of classes, show timings and entry specification will be available throughout the town during the summer months but a list of classes will be available online by mid March. See our Instagram and Facebook pages for all up-to-the-minute information. Follow Rye Flower and Veg Show.

We have always been well supported by the businesses of Rye with sponsorship and advertising but this year we are looking for a little more help with our special, full-colour, Crystal (15-year) celebration booklet. If you would like to advertise your business or sponsor a category, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us by phone on 07553 982829 or by email at ryeflowerandvegshow@btinternet.com

This year the show will be run in partnership by Helena Hudd and Lorna Hall. Lorna was instrumental in getting the show going in 2005 and Helena took over the reins a few years later on behalf of the Allotments Association. Between them they have a wealth of experience and enthusiasm and are keen to welcome any volunteers to help on the day. Contact us using the email or phone number above.

“We are very excited and delighted to be celebrating our 15th year and I’m looking forward to taking on the challenge with Helena,” said Lorna.

It’s a local, and very traditional event and, whilst always well supported with entries, we would love to make space for even more.

Image Credits: Lorna Hall .

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