Rye Conservation Society held its annual pre-Christmas gathering in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall on Friday, December 2. More than 60 members and guests attended, with a number of new residents joining in for the first time. This was the first time that the society had decided to present its annual awards as part of our Christmas celebration, so it was entirely appropriate that the Townscape Award was presented by the Chairman John Griffiths to Rye Town Council (RTC) for the Town Steward initiative.

The award was accepted by the Deputy Mayor Mike Boyd. In thanking the Society for its recognition of this town initiative, Cllr. Boyd added that the Town Council was hoping to build on the success of the scheme in the coming year.
The award for a new building was given to Mr and Mrs Paul Osbourne for their new house Hawthornedene on Military Road. As I, as vice-chairman, pointed out in announcing the award, the Society’s remit extends to the setting of Rye and the Marsh, and it was felt that the new house contributed to both. In accepting the award Paul Osbourne described the trials and tribulations that they went through in building the house, which was on the site of a derelict bungalow.
John Griffiths thanked everyone for attending and in particular those who had helped in providing the food and wine. He wished Rae Festing, who is usually in charge of the food, a speedy recovery from the forthcoming operation on her knee that had kept her at home. He concluded by wishing everybody the compliments of the season.
Photos: Andrew Bamji