The forecasters got it right. Snow was on its way. Batten down the hatches and turn up the heating as we were warned that some parts of the country would see the coldest weather this year, in parts dropping to -10 degrees.
Thankfully, Rye escaped these really low temperatures which seemed to be aimed more towards the West Country, but here the wind chill factor made it feel colder than it was. The snow came as predicted and settled on the fields and where the gritters could not reach, but hopefully its arrival will be short lived.

Not a view shared by many of the children in the area, though, who greeted the snowfall with eager anticipation, as out came the home made sledges and toboggans, woolly hats, scarfs and gloves, with mums and dads sharing the fun and laughter as well as relief that the cycle of boredom had finally been broken with some much needed light relief from lockdown.

Snow arriving changed our landscape temporarily and presented many photo opportunities like those captured here by Lisa Kerry, one of our local residents and regular supporter of Rye News, as she went on her daily lockdown walk along Military Road, where she captured these fabulous images for us all to enjoy.

The snow will be short lived locally, but its arrival seemed to be a mixed blessing for, as well as causing problems for many of us, it also provided a new dimension, the chance to have good old fashioned fun, and the opportunity to smile on so many faces.
Image Credits: Lisa Kerry .